Friday, August 27, 2010

Theology Alive.

Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you. John 12:35 KJV
I was reading my copy of My Utmost for His Highest today and the topic was on theology of all things.let me give you the ESV version of that verse first. So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. John 12:35 ESV So what is Jesus telling us in this verse? 
    Basically to apply knowledge we glean in our lives when we learn of it. and he wants us to learn it! Philippians 4:8-9 states: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
    Philippians tells us we should pursue what is right, true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable.That's no tiny list of adjectives there. but Jesus warns if we don't apply what we have learned it will mean nothing.
Oswald Chambers expounds upon it much better then I can. "The second you waive the question of sanctification or upon which any other thing upon which God gave you life, you begin to get dry rot in your spiritual life. Continually bring out the truth into actuality; work it out in every domain, or the very light you have will prove a curse." It's not enough to just learn it, you have to live it. To apply it. Oswald continues saying: "If you say you are sanctified, show it. The experience must be so genuine that it is shown in the life."
That is the true purpose of theology, but unless we live it, we're no better then the Pharisees holding on to our knowledge like it is the thing that saves us. A commentator showed me I should elaborate on this, It is not our application of  theology that saves us, only the grace of God can do so but we must avoid thinking as if our own knowledge and actions can save us.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Does it need a title?

Well, lately I've been neglecting this little page of story sharing. Not really sure what to put here right now, or heck who would be even reading this. (Besides you friend/stalkers.) Updates: Hmm, well been getting back into the groove of school again,  and other such things but lately I haven't been able to shake off this damn form of nostalgia, the kind that utterly paralyzes you and you don't even know why, or what you're trying to get back to.and lately it's been clawing me up from the inside, I feel like fighting some great battle, but there's nothing to fight. Maybe when I get my job application back and hopefully if accepted will shake up the dullness of life right now.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fire trucks and their evil lights.

So basically it's 4:58 now and I can't go back to sleep, why? You'll find this quite amusing.
Before I managed to doze off I had looked at a book my brother was reading about UFO's and how flashing lights are accompanied by them. So as I'm awakened by evil evil lights, in my sleep deprived mental state I had a mini panic attack resulting in a very ungraceful fall from my bunk bed. So...yeah. I'ma try and sleep now.

Aeon. They Suck.

Here's a little snippet while being destroyed by 4 ACU/Aeon rushers in 5 minutes.
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: ...I really miss FA
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: see in FA one tower could take out 5 bombers easy
FleetAdmiralSwede: and if your back mid of setons focus on air and only do anything else until you get air superiority
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: I had to build land since I saw those fishtooths coming in
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: and rolled RIGHT BY MY TEAM MATE
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: argh
FleetAdmiralSwede: ya your front man was horrible
FleetAdmiralSwede: your north navy guy didnt do navy which was a big mistake cause that allowed me to focus on other things
FleetAdmiralSwede has invited you to join them in playing Supreme Commander2
*ten minutes later*
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: I say teams were stacked.. .>>
FleetAdmiralSwede: hah
FleetAdmiralSwede: i heard that fa is becoming popular again due to no patch in 2 months
FleetAdmiralSwede: your going front?
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: yeah
FleetAdmiralSwede: ok then
FleetAdmiralSwede: go aeon if your going front
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: I refuse to use OP faction
FleetAdmiralSwede: and get facs up with repeat as soon as possible
FleetAdmiralSwede: ...
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: it IS OP
FleetAdmiralSwede: so
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: So I don't want to use it.
FleetAdmiralSwede: -.-
†Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: honor in battle!

*five minutes later*
 †Prf.JenningsQuestorOfAZ: you ALL went Aeon that time!

Real post soon =P